Desert conditions persist on canyon bottoms and rocky ledges that are away from
perennial streams. Sagebrush, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Rabbitbrush, along with Sacred Datura
and Indian Paintbrush are common. Utah Penstemon and Golden Aster can also be found.
Milkvetch and Prince's Plume are found in pockets of selenium-rich soils. Common daytime
animals include squirrels, Pinyon Jays, Whiptail and Collared Lizards while Desert Cottontails,
Jackrabbits and Merriam's Kangaroo Rats come out at night. Coyotes, Gray foxes and Ringtails
are the top predators.
Cooler conditions persist at mid-elevation slopes, between 3900 to 5500 feet (1190 to
1680 m). Stunted forests of pinyon pine and Juniper coexist here with manzanita shrubs,
cliffrose, serviceberry, Scrub Oak and yucca. Stands of Ponderosa Pine, Gambel Oak and Aspen
populate the mesas and cliffs above 6000 feet (1830 m).