Canyon Junction
You've Arrived!
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Looking Southward
Toward Park Entrance
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Gentle Waterfall, Virgin River
Flowing Southward
Waterfall Pool
Lower Fork, Virgin River
Waterfall Pool
Lower Fork, Virgin River
Teresa Meditating
Virgin River Shoreline
Riparian Vegetation
Distant Mountains & Cliffs
The Roads To & From
Zion National Park
Sean & Teresa
In The Shade
Teresa Overly Excited
About Her Vacation Spot!
Distant Mountain
South of Zion Canyon
Distant Mountain
South of Zion Canyon
Virgin River, South Fork
Deceptively Calm As It
Formed All The Canyons
Peering Into The Sun
Photo by Teresa
Canyon Junction Photo Album
Trail Photos
Grotto Trail
Emerald Trail
Weeping Rock-Hike
Weeping Rock-Waterfall
Canyon Junction
West Temple
Patriarch's Court
Zion-Carmel Tunnel
Zion Flora & Fauna
Zion Canyon Map
Zion History & Links
Canyon Junction is approximately 1.5 miles from the Lodge as you drive toward the park
entrance. Here the Virgin River, Lower Fork becomes more turbulent on any given day and has
a small waterfall. The water flows south toward the park entrance. The day these photographs
were taken it was approximately 108 degrees Fahrenheit; it had rained the previous evening
hence the water is quite muddy. It does not rain often but when it does it can easily
precipitate an avalanche or landslide. Much of the cliff and canyon attributes are due to the
effects of water; rain, the Virgin River and severe storms. Anytime it rains, even small
amounts of debris and rock fall into the Virgin River.