The Virgin River, Lower Fork
The Virgin River, Lower Fork
The Virgin River, Lower Fork
Cliff Side Above Trail
Note The Size of Hikers on the Lower Left
The Virgin River
Emerald Trail On Left
Surrounding Grass and Forest
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
Emerald Trail
Paralleling The Virgin River
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River, Upper Fork
The Virgin River - Lower Fork
The Virgin River - Lower Fork
The Virgin River - Lower Fork
The Virgin River - The Lower Fork
Enormous Cliffs & Plateaus
Arising From Virgin River Valley
Cliffs, Valley Perspective
Massive Cliffs
Note Pigment & Erosion Effects
Massive Cliffs
Note Pigment & Erosion Effects
Nearly Perfectly Vertical Cliff Sides
Note Pigment & Erosion Effects
Sean & Teresa
The Emerald Pools
Sean by The Emerald Pools
Note Size of Fallen Boulder
Surrounding Valley Floor w/Fallen Boulders
Cliff Arising From The Emerald Pools
Surrounding Valley & Cliffs
Emerald Trail Photo Album
Trail Photos
Grotto Trail
Emerald Trail
Weeping Rock-Hike
Weeping Rock-Waterfall
Canyon Junction
West Temple
Patriarch's Court
Zion-Carmel Tunnel
Zion Flora & Fauna
Zion Canyon Map
Zion History & Links
The Emerald Pool Trail leads to two pools, the Lower and Middle. Three waterfalls flow
into the pools. The hike to the Lower Pool is 1.2 miles, round-trip. The climb to the Middle
Pool is considerably more strenuous, requiring more time and effort. Also, several steep
drop-offs are present on the way to the Middle Pool. In contrast the Lower Pool is
considered an easy hike which starts at the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive.