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Court of The Patriarchs

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The majority of mountains, peaks, cliffs and mesas were named during the 1800's as

various Mormon Groups traveled from Salt Lake City to Zion Canyon. Consequently, they are

imbued with the spiritual and religious undertones so impassioned in those doing the naming.

The Three Patriarchs are visible from the Zion Canyon Visitor Center and Watchman

Campground Area.

The massive cliffs consist of Lower Jurassic-age formations, including (from bottom to

top): the Moenave Formation, the Kayenta Formation, and the massive Navajo Sandstone.

These Jurassic-aged cliff-forming formations overlie older slope-forming formations along river

level: the Moenkopi Formation (Lower Triassic) and the Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic). The

cliffs tops in Zion Canyon range roughly 2,000 feet above stream level.

The Three Patriarchs are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.